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Once you learn these 7 Lessons from Zen Buddhism, you'll be MUCH Wiser

Contrary to what people believe, Buddhism is not a religion. It's a Lifestyle and a practical experience. It dates back more than 2500 years. As can be read from the link above, a man named Siddharth Gautama (later known as Buddha) achieved "enlightenment"(a state of mind where you can reach harmony of body and mind) by the way of Zen Meditation, a way of self discovery and vigilance practised by sitting on a meditation cushion and experiencing living in the moment, here and now, Zen buddhism challenges all aspects of your everyday life. Nowadays, everybody's too busy seeking success, power, money and recognition, which only leads you to be stressed out all the time. Preconceived notions have molded our lifestyle, making us believe that we have to be more productive and busy all the time, whereas Zen teaches us to slow down in order to achieve true peace and harmony. You can implement a few easy Zen Buddhism practises in your life even if it seem a bit more overwhelming. Here are the 7 reasons:

1. Zen, or "Buddhist Meditation"

Zen meditation or "Zazen" (za=sitting, zen=meditation) in Japanese, is essential to zen buddhism. A few minutes of meditation a day can decrease anxiety and stress in a couple of weeks. It will help you develop a filter for your mind so you can take on new challenges in more conscious and peaceful way. Meditation has been proven successful as a way to "reset" your mind. It can help you unwind from a hectic lifestyle, making you more resilient, productive, calm and a happier person all around. There are a tons of books and articles out there to help you break down different types of meditation practises, especially zazen or sitting meditation, such as Thich Naht Hanh's "The Miracles of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practises of Meditation" and Shunryu Suzuki's "Zen mind, Beginner's mind."

2. Mindfulness: Meditation in Action

Mindfulness can be defined as a "continuous, clear awareness of the present", and it's what happens when you put Zen Buddhism in action. Thich Naht Hanh describes it as, "keeping one's consciousness alive to the present reality." Mindfulness will help you find true happiness instead of cheap thrills and fixes like binge watching TV, alcohol, overeating etc. It can be as aware as being aware of your breath, your senses or simply whatever you are doing, by focusing on it, you can stay anchored in the moment, the "now". It is really easy and powerful tool that you can use wherever you are doing. According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, people who completed a program a mindfulness awareness where they were taught meditation and other exercises designed to help them focus on "moment-by-moment experiences, thoughts and emotions" had less insomnia, fatigue, and depression at the end of a six-week study.

3. Finding Happiness from within

We strive for peace and happiness but keep seeking it in the wrong places. It is part of human nature to seek pleasure. Money, power, professional success... things like that we think will impress others and trick them (and ourselves) into thinking we are happy, but that won't necessarily make us happy at the end of the day. The high paced rhythm we are used to has damaged us by making us seek instant gratification, instead of seeking true happiness within ourselves. True power comes from you, from understanding those around us and practising self-love.

4. The power of COMPASSION

The concept of compassion is often regarded as the foundation of Buddhism. Compassion not only helps you connect with others, but with yourself. Buddha one said: "If your compassion doesn't include yourself, it is incomplete". If you practice compassion on a daily basis, you can make your life better by  your relationship with empathy and kindness. When you are compassionate towards others, you are practising self-love, as not only will this change others, but will change yourself.

5. Practice mindfulness of CONSUMPTION

Think of consumption as the information that you give a receive through your senses. we are bombarded with bane and empty information, on a daily basis seeking instant gratification that will only keep you "happy" for a little while. Tabloids, fast food, shopping spree, bunging T.V., gossip. It will only lead you away from trove peace and happiness. You can change one step at a time by being aware that whatever you do, buy or consume has direct impact on your life and everything that surrounds you. Surround yourself with enriching things, thoughts and relationships.

6. Simplify :What is essential and what isn't

When you start practicing Mindfulness and Meditation, Zen Buddhism will show you that material things are not as important as you once thought. You will realize that true peace and happiness don't come from owning more material things or impressing others, it comes from within. It is a way of living and a state of mind, who we are and what we do are simply constructs of the mind, illusion and ideas we have gained and built over the course of our lives. By changing the way you think, you can change the way you act. Get rid of things and thoughts that don't bring anything good into your life, and you will be on a path towards inner peace and happiness.

7. Buddha Nature : Find your Essence

Buddha nature is a term in Buddhism that is hard to define . it is basically the fundamental nature of all beings. Think of it as your "original self" or your "true self". We spend our whole lives seeking our purpose in life only to realize what we have missed along the way. Zen Buddhism focuses on the journey more than the destination (and meditation is your vehicle). The key lies in not overthinking and avoiding trying to micro-manage every little thing in your life. Meditation is the tool that connects you with your mind and body. What's important is to focus on the experience of mindfulness  and gaining insight. You can find your true self and fulfill your life not only in your work, but also by everyday life make sure to find fulfilment in your life, connect with others and contribute to the greater good.


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