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11 Little Laws Of Mindfulness That Will Change The Way You Live Your Life

MINDFULNESS. Sounds a big word. But this big word has its meaning as small as how big this word is. The basis of mindfulness is being aware of what's happening in the present moment without judging it or wishing it were different.
           Mindfulness practise has there been around for centuries thanks to spiritual teacher Gautama Buddha, known to the world as the founder of Buddhism.
          As we proceed, we are going to talk about the 11 principles of mindfulness, barely known to us, more likely ignored, so that we can adapt them in our daily life.

1. Your only reality is THIS MOMENT, right here, right now.

As simple as the statement, this famous quote of Buddha sumps up the principle at its very best: " Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. "
     Present is all what you have. You had past that is now nothing. Past is an illusion. The future hasn't arrived.

2. A negative thought is harmless unless you believe it.

Thoughts come and go all the time. Fun Fact:- A person has 10,000 thoughts in a day on an average. It's natural. We keep on thinking about anything, every time, every moment. Suffering occurs when we watch ourselves to our thoughts. The reality is, our thoughts don't really mean anything and they aren't who we are.

3. You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by it.

              " The best fighter is never angry. "
                                 - Lao Tzu
We all get angry from time to time, but acting on this anger rarely results in something positive. It's easy to get angry. When you realise that the present moment is all we have, you'll come to understand that life is too short to spend time being upset and angry.

4. Inner peace is knowing how to belong to oneself, without external validation.

Most of us are concerned about what other people think of them. But you don't look to others to find yourself. You are who you are and what others think of you doesn't make a difference to that. Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves. Do not try to please people. Do not try to decorate your ego. This is suicidal. You should start looking inside yourself. Every answer lies inside you.

5. Everything is created twice, first in your mind and then in your life.

Our minds are powerful instruments and they create the world around us. And do you know what's more fascinating; that you won't act unless your brain knows what you're doing. So have plans and goals in place, then take action.

6. We ourself must walk the path.

Life comes with many challenges and adversities for everyone, but the one thing which we have control over is how much effort and willpower we put into something. We can't attach our happiness and success towards outside objects. It all lies within us. We are the only one here to face the challenge by our side and to enjoy the victory. When we fall, we ourselves have to stand for us.

7. To strongly believe in something, and not live it, is dishonest.

                " If you believe it, live it. "
                                     - Me
Don't bend to what "Society" wants you to be. Be true to yourself. Be true to you. Don't change who you are so other people will accept you. It's a big, big mistake. It is important to be authentic and follow your heart.

8. The right path and the easy path are rarely the same path.

By the time as you grow, you'll eventually come to realise that struggle is what makes you grow, and it's always worth it. And struggle never come easy and go easy. It will always lead you where you want to go. Just because something seems difficult, doesn't mean you should do it. Buddha says,
                "Those who have failed to work towards the truth, have missed the purpose of living."

9. If you want the benefits of something in life, you have also want the costs.

So many people ask themselves the question like, "What am I passionate about ?", "What am I doing with my life ?", "Why am I here for ?" to find their purpose in life. However, a lots of better questions are, "What am I learning from this ?", "What is worth suffering for ?", "Does it help me grow and thrive ?". This will help you find what you truly want to do, and the result, your life will be more fulfilling because of it.

10. Over-committing is the antithesis of living a peaceful, mindful life.

So many of us have a massive to-do lists filled with tasks that we couldn't possibly finish in one day. Why do that ? We think we have to be busy all the time. No that's not good. You need time for yourself to relieve stress, rebuild and recharge yourself. Some times, it can be more rewarding to focus on one task at a time and mindfully absorbed by it. This doesn't seem great but it always is. You need to understand to relieve the stress.

11. When you try to control too much, you enjoy too little.

Yes, that's right. As human beings, what is it so alluring about control ? We desire the certainty and comfort. The irony is, that there is no such thing as control. We are never in control. The sooner we grasp this, and learn to go with the flow a little more, the easier life will be.


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