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Are YOU A... ?

Believer of Thoughts  OR   A Thinker of Believes 

Okay, so now, let me be clear by what I mean to ask ?

Everyone has one's own perspective and generally categorize people purely based on that perspective. 

One's own goods and bads are decided by that perspective only. And so, how does that perspective comes out of the subconscious ? 

This is where the concept of the question I asked herein comes handy.

I, although can differentiate people, on the basis of the condition I am in, or the way I want them to work/function in favour of me. Well, everybody does that right...

But still, we have something called the subconscious mind and that it functions in the daylight as well as the in the darkest hours of the dawn, it shapes us and the way we function.

And so, coming back to the question. The answer you will give to yourself, will be at the end of this blog and most probably in the comment section.

So, held up your head high in search of the answer of the question, because that's where the crow shits...(the opportunities first appear).

First, let's be clear on the "Believer of Thoughts"  kind of personality part.

These are the person those who believe in their destinies, and that every thought that strikes their mind can have a purpose. I say that I am this kind of person, because I seek something different in this world, that every notion that I come across can be of any work, any benefit to me, or to the world. That thing could be anything, from nature to the person right in front of me, or a job seeking person, anything. 

This kind of person, delve deep into their thoughts and they think that they are capable of making an impact to their lives, or also, to the others. They are on a mission, that states, "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE". They believe in their wild notions, and the thunderstorming thoughts. 

Second, comes the "Thinker of Believes"  kind of personality part. 

These person are someone that don't completely rely on the wild notions, or something storming their mind. Instead this kind of person are pattern-bound, or better to say, follow the traditions, rules and norms of the world. Just try to differentiate the personality title, "Thinkers" of "Believes" those who already live upon something that already exist and don't have some change and try something new. 

These are all same kind of people, who lose interest in any interesting thing, not falling apart from whatever the teachings they got from their ancestors.

But not to really worry about it, and feel outrageous like they aren't of any worth to the world. Everything in this world has its own purpose and meaning. 

What's the positive side for this personality you can interpret in one way is that they never lack discipline and that's the proud point for them. Always systematic and time-bound, and many other qualities like that, which many of us aspire for.

So, what type of personality are you ???

Are you a Believer of THOUGHTS or a Thinker of BELIEVES ?

Come on, let's fill up the comment section with what you think the blog is worth.


  1. Believer of thoghts🤘🤘

    1. Can I have you with your name please ? Good to know.

  2. thinker of believes🤘🤘

    1. Can I have you with your name please ? Good to know


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