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While medicinal practitioners have essentially dismissed the role of mind in influencing health, science has fully established that a minimum of one-third or up to two-thirds of all medical interventions are due to the placebo effect, an expression of the real power of mind over matter.

By definition, the placebo effect reveals the influence that positive thinking about the effectiveness of a pill or a therapy(even if it is a fake pill) can produce a healing experience. Placebo represents the scientific consequences of how positive consciousness(mind) can manifest healing.

Now, this is something about the effectiveness of positive thinking in shaping health, what's in the corner for something negative ? Hear up about the nocebo effect now. It's something that's very similar to the placebo effect but in the exact opposite manner. YES !!! Negative thinking, characteristics of Nocebo effect, can cause ANY disease and even death... from nothing more than a thought.

Okay so, it's not really about the power of positive or the negative thinking, but simply, the power of thinking, and how our thoughts control our biology. Ever heard of the phrase, "Our thoughts control our REALITY." The way we think shapes us to our future or "NOW"-self. This insight fully reflects the fundamental principle of quantum physics, the most valid of all the sciences, that recognizes consciousness as the factor that controls our life experiences. Brain chemistry is responsible for manifesting the body's physical expressions of thought.

Thinking our WAY OUT of FEAR

When fear is invoked, it causes a radical change in brain functions resulting in the release of nuerochemicals that, when sustained, can provoke a physiological breakdown in the body functions. Electroencephalograph (EEG) assessments suggest that our thoughts are an internal process that is of profound influence i shaping the interior of the body. EEG studies illustrate how the mind's expression of positive and negative thoughts shape the behaviour of the body's internal milieu(cells, tissues and organs).

Broadcasting GOOD THOUGHTS

Magnetoencephalograph(MEG) assays also read the mind's thought but, it reads brain activity using a probe that don't even touch the body. This is truly an important finding since it reveals that our thought processes are not only contained in our head, but are 'broadcast' into the surrounding. The point is significant because positive and negative thinking not only shapes our internal experiences but also shape our interaction with the physical world. The placebo and nocebo effect provide a scientific basis in support of the famous quote by Henry Ford, 

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't.... you're right."

Today, physics, biology and psychology collectively demonstrate the power of consciousness in creating our lives. A finding that endorses the ancient wisdom of mind over matter. Remember, we can experience personal empowerment by assessing our thoughts, and then through editing and reversing negative thoughts, we can manifest a healthy, happy and a harmonious life.


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