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Everything Happens for a REASON: 7 reasons to believe this is TRUE

"Everything happens for a reason." The philosopher Aristotle explains it perfectly. In his quest to discover the true meaning of life, he suggested there were two constants in life: First, the universe is constantly changing and evolving. What it is today is never the same tomorrow. Second he referred to entelechy , which is "that which turns potential into reality." Aristotle believed that everything happening to you today has a purpose because it turns you into the person you are becoming. Everything that happens to you has a reason - but there's always a way of thinking about this that empowers you in life. Let's see what is in the box...

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they are right, you believe lies so eventually you learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

                                                                      - Marilyn Monroe

Does everything happens for a reason ?

When someone suggests that everything doesn't happens for a reason, they usually take reason to mean cause-and-effect in a mechanistic universe, where events are random. But let's take another definition for a "reason":

1. A basis or cause, as for some belief, actions, facts and events etc.

2. A statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action.\

Reason is the meaning we give to the events that happen in our life. The events you are going through and the actions you're taking are creating the person you're becoming. You are not a random event in the universe, reacting mechanically to everything happening to you. Instead, you're a human being, you've been gifted with the capacity to create meaning from all the events in life. This gives you the power to create meaning from them and start making life work for you rather than working against you. Justin Brown, the founder of Ideapod, says that the reason for your life exists deep inside you: 

"The meaning of your life and the reason why you want keep going, isn't just an idea. It's like another living entity that exists within you. It's a part of who you are, your body and soul and it coordinates with the things you think and feel. It's a deep part of you that you are not even aware of for most of the time."

This is the choice you have. Believing in everything happens for a reason empowers you to create meaning from the tragedies and setbacks you experience in life. As a psychoanalyst Victor Frankl says:

" Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way, can't."

You may be going through a breakup. Perhaps struggling with the most worst boss. Maybe you're dealing with the grief of someone's passing  away. Whatever it's you're going through... believing that it's happening for a reason doesn't mean you should be happy this is happening. Sometimes, it sucks, life sucks. Believing in the reason behind the challenges even is about managing your pain and giving you the strength to go on. 

Now, let's talk about some things over "Why everything HAPPENS for a REASON ?"

  • It gives you CLOSURE
When things don't go our way, we often experience regret. We wish we could have controlled the outcome to avoid feeling loss or disappointment. Let's talk about something, if you are going through a breakup, it's natural to feel sad about it, right ? YES. It's normal to feel a deep loss or shame over the failure of a beautiful relationship. But, but, but. Here's the GOOD THING about it. You can use these moments to empower yourself. You can take this time to heal yourself, to rebuild yourself, to give yourself the time that was much needed. At this time, the things go clear. That's what the reason that "Everything happens for a reason" gives you closure. It gives you the time to reflect. When you accept the reality and finality of the situation, it closes the chapter of the story and allows you to move on to better things ahead.

  • It alleviates your PAIN
Ever thought why we pray ? Is there any prime cause behind why we are strongly attracted to religion for millions of years ? Because, it gives you the reason, something to look up to when life gets painful. This need for something to hold onto has been embedded in our survival since time immemorial. It might be difficult to believe that there is a reason behind losing everything. At this point in our lives, it's easy to blame someone or something. But believing that everything happens for a reason can help us ease the burden and pain. In fact, it allows us to heal. Sometimes, its during the lowest points in life that we gain courage and strength to emerge as better. In believing that a loss isn't meaningless, we give ourselves chance to heal. It alleviates our most painful feelings and allows us to continue our lives.

  •  It gives you a CHANCE to REFLECT
Someone said that, when a dream or goal feels so out of your grasp and so impossible to achieve, the key is to just look at your feet and take on step at a time. When you look at it as a simple step forward, it doesn't seem so intimidating at all. And one day you'll just look up and you'll already have arrived at your destination. By choosing to believe everything in your life has a bigger meaning, you allow yourself the openness to see the picture not as it is right now, but as it could be when all the pieces are finally put together. One day, all the pain, struggles, setbacks and doubting will make sense. You'll realize that all of these things are essential building blocks to help you achieve your higher self, or as Aristotle puts it, your entelechy or your conscious insight.

  •  It teaches you VALUABLE LESSONS
Let's go back to the phrase, "The universe is always changing." So that means so do you. Everything that happens for a reason teaches you valueable lessons. It can even shatter your older beliefs, literally changing you into a better version of yourself. You learn to look at things in a different light. Your ideals and the way you approach things can even do a complete 360. Change is an important aspect of life. Setbacks are there to teach us great lessons. These are the things we should embrace.

" When I say life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you, I really don't know if that's true. I'm just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial so that I can deal with them in the most productive way. "
                                                                                          - Jim Carrey


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