...to be continued. 13) Accept your emotions without judging them You all know what, you will agree to this. Emotions are very big players, both against and with us. Whenever we experience an uncomfortable feeling, such as sadness, fear or anger, our first instinct is to ignore it, reject it or push it away. And this fair enough, we don’t really want to walk around feeling emotional pain all the time. Emotions give us useful information about our lives. It’s understanding that you don’t need to “control” your emotions. They cannot do any damage to you. This means allowing your emotions to just be without negatively judging them or trying to change them. 14) Get rid of these 5 toxic beliefs Your beliefs and thoughts shape the perspective of your life. The way you think, interpret and react to a situation depends on your beliefs that matter for you. But if your beliefs aren’t accurate, they could be negatively affecting you. Here are some beliefs that may sabotage our life: i....