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ALL is made of LOVE

The majestic four letter word, the world hauls for ! ! !


Do read this blog only if and only if you have time and you want to clear up your mind about what is love and want to form the universal concept of it i.e. what universe say love is.

If the doors of perception were cleansed,
everything would appear to man as it is: Infinite.
For man has closed himself up,
till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.

The above lines are an excerpt from William Blake's poem The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

In 1954, Aldous Huxley wrote The Doors of Perception. In it he describes how he experienced a great change in his perception of the external world. Reflecting on the experience afterwards, Huxley concludes that to enable us to live, the brain and nervous system eliminate unessential information from the totality of the ‘Mind at Large’. 

There is such an incredible intelligence and order in the world which informs all creation and evolution. It is, of course, also the source of the question ‘How does life do that?’ and the sense of wonder arises.

Let's get to some point.

What are we all made of ?

In hindu religion, there's something called the 'Pancha tatvas' or the 'five elements'. But actually, we are all stardust. Yes ! 

But before delving deeper into it, let's discuss Oneness.

Tree of Oneness

Some experiences are often called transcendent because they transcend the relative level of separation and allow at least a passing recognition of the interconnectedness – or Oneness – of all things. But what do we actually mean when we use the word ‘Oneness?’ 

To get this, let's get to the currency of interconnectedness: Energy.


Science provides the answer that everything is made of energy. The dictionary defines energy as: ‘matter in movement.’ And as we all know, energy can transfer from one form to another.

Let's take an example to understand this thing. There was a time when you or I didn’t exist. Before energy manifested as us, it started out as undivided, potential energy. Because it’s undivided, a more metaphysical word for describing that potential is ‘Oneness.’ You can see it’s logical to say that this Oneness is where everything comes from; everything arises from the same source.

Each one of us is part of the soul of the universe.
                                     - Plotinus

All sorts of oblique references to Oneness started showing up in popular music in the sixties. Joni Mitchell’s song ‘Woodstock’ includes the line: ‘We are stardust’ – a succinct and poetic way to say that we’re all just parts of the universe, different forms built from the same building blocks of life – carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron. 

The word ‘Oneness’ itself is quite poetic in a way. It’s not scientific; it’s one of those spiritual words that only start to make sense if you’ve had any experiences of life beyond personality. 

All is made of Love

It's such a sentimental word, with a lot of meanings. To be clear, what I mean by Love in this context (I’ll give it a capital ‘L’) is the creative, expanding, energy of life that manifests as us and the world in which we live. It is the connectedness of all things. One could say that love is what human beings feel when they perceive Oneness. To quote the words of Nisargadatta Maharaj:

The consciousness in you
and the consciousness in me,
apparently two, really one, seek unity
and that is love.

These descriptions of love are, simply human interpretations; and how they can't be ? It needs a human mind and heart to perceive something. It is true from the perspective of a human being.

Love is the bridge between you and everything.
- Rumi

Now, you might be thinking that this thing sounds very nice, but how can this thing be true in the physical world, where there is so much hatred and violence. But, but, but when I use the phrase, "All is made of Love", I am talking about the absolute level, the essence of who we are. On the relative level, Oneness takes on all sort of disguises - one of which is the human personality. Hatred (and other emotions such as grief and fear) are psychological manifestations that can arise in the personality and obscure our perception of Oneness. This is why awareness of our personality and its emotional life is an essential step in finding our way back to our natural state, which lies beyond personality.

The Recognition of Oneness is always Potentially available

Oneness isn’t just an attractive concept that our minds can entertain intellectually; it’s the truth at the very core of who we are.

The idea that ‘All is Made of Love’ may sound simplistic, unscientific or even naïve, but it can be known and lived consciously, and have far-reaching outcomes in the life of the knower. If Oneness is perceived, the separate sense of self – the personality and all its suffering – falls effortlessly into the background.

So, it's the end.... Thanks for reading. Hope you like it.

Let me know in the comment section, what you felt worth.


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