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Questions that question YOU from YOU - PART 2

Unhappy with the response you people gave to my last blog for the part 1 ! Still a hard-blogger in front of you... with a second part of the self-reflective questions.

So, we left the last one blog with some inspiration by Mr. Einstein, right ?

Well, it doesn't that matter !!

What does matter is your response to the challenges and questions that come in front of you in life.

With that much part for the introduction, here is the list number 2 with some more intriguing questions.

Q. Which is easier: to love or to hate ? And why ?

Q. What does the world need more: wisdom or intelligence ?

Q.  Why does the concept of power thrill humans so much ?

Q. Why do we have dreams ? Do they truly have a deeper meaning ? Are they a sign for the future ?

Q. Have you cried recently?

Q. Who is writing the story of your life?

Q.  What was the last thing you spent on, that felt truly worth it?

Q. What makes you lose sleep?

Q. What are you doing to benefit the world around you?

Q. When do you feel truly alive ? Should you feel more of this ? How ?

Be sure to answer this time.

Hoping for the best answers ! ! ! !


  1. 1.hate is easier bcoz i think love is a ggenuine devotion between the two without any expectations..nd to hate someone makes no sense
    2. Wisdom
    3.concept of power always
    develops the quality of ego nd attitude nd much more ignorance..each nd every individual should be light weighted..
    4. From my perspective, dreams are the thoughts which we generate in our mind all day nd thinks to do it has deeper meaning bcoz it can show ur real nd somewhere real identity..they can be true if the will power is genuine
    5. No
    6. Pen is in my hand but the narrator is almighty god.
    7. My aim hd goal makes me to lose sleep
    8. Preparing for administrative system to alter the things in society which everyone need..

  2. 1. Love is easy as, it is you divine the world, create an high resonating bond. Loving could be more easy if we do not compiling it with a condition.
    2. Wisdom! Because an intellectual man without wisdom, is just like a pencil without needle.
    3. Because they believe in overruling or overpowering can create better civilization
    4. Dreams hmm big word, Dreams are vigorous desire of need. But we can't consider it as future because there is tremendous difference between Dream and passion.
    5. Yes! It's not a big deal men too cry.
    6. Fortune-Us-&-our good deeds
    7. Trepidation for the future!
    8. Writing books, educating uneducated minors.
    9. Freedom! When I don't have any stings attached to me. Well sometime too much of freedom may also lead to an undefined parallel dimension indecency.

  3. Thank you guys for your engagement. Happy to see your support.

  4. 1 . l think love is easier than hate someone. love is of all passion the strongest for it attacks simultaneously the head the heart and the senses.
    4.l believe that we have dreams because our fears ,worries desire ,ideas and memories.l believe I.e some people have seen thing in dreams which did happen later on .may be these people are psychics or empaths
    5 yes l cried recently because l am totally depressed.

    1. Hey there. No need to worry about that. You can always call me on 6399932775.
      I'm always there for anyone needing help


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