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The Art of Getting What You Want

How to use confidence and technique to get what you want from life, your relationships and your career ?

This is something you all must have heard of already, but let's take it into some new perspective of the human mind. You all know what human minds are capable of. It can do whatever we think of, but for most of the time, it doesn't.

Talking about the term, "Law of Attraction" is something that says what you think of, you attract. And what you attract, you become. 

Although it's considered to be a pseudoscience, it teaches us an important lesson.
"Like attracts like."

And I have mentioned it already...

Talking about the one word meaning for the heading, the term which suits it best is persuasion.

I agree, most of you know what it means but, we ain't here for that much only...

You read it and I write it because we all want something different from the ordinary perspective of the human mind.

But persuasion alone do not satisfy the hunger of knowing more about the word, there's still a question that stays on the top of this blog, it's here again.

How to use confidence and technique to get what you want from life, your relationships and your career ?

Persuasion is an art and not anyone can master it easily, just like any other art. But the things that can matter with it are our confidence and knowledge.

Persuasion, confidence and knowledge are the three weapons you can use to take over any field in life. Sometimes you use either two of them, or sometimes all of them.

The question's still on the board. How can we use it in real life?

First things first, for the educational kinda things, these three virtues value for a great extent. Sometimes, these are our only weapons for some sort of matter. 

But what about our relationships, and our career ?

Career may or may not be based on our professional education, but it matters a lot. And on a professional level, the art of getting what you want i.e. persuasion works a lot in your favour too.

I am trying not being greedy on this one, but we all know this. Persuasion works in our best and sometimes in our worst too. We can simply get a job done.

When talking about persuasion in our personal relationships, it works like butter on the thing... guess it right, no !!!

Confidence works in any situation in our life. Whether personal or professional, when we are confident about something, we can win over others very easily.

With this, I would like to end this piece of writing. Thank you miss Sonam Bhatt for the topic. She has been a very close friend-cum-teacher to me. Thank you for everything to her. I understand the blog isn't that worthy, but still if you like it, hope you all share your reviews and thoughts on the topic.


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