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Some Special(yet some common) Things to START BELIEVING in yourself AGAIN - PART 2

 .... to be continued.

Thank you for your love for the part 1 of the blog, here's the second part of the series.

4) FIND and OPEN your HEART

While step 3 is about acknowledging and accepting the pain, step 4 is about reconciling with a cold and unopened heart.

Ask yourself this one question: do you fully love yourself ?

NO !! 

No need to be shocked. It's very common for all of us in this hectic world.

So, accepting your flaws and your fault is one thing, but loving a person who can have your thoughts, your emotions and most importantly your mistakes? That's a completely higher level of self-love. That's something most of us miss today.

What to do now ?

Question yourself. Discover your life story. Trace your path way back from your childhood to the person you are now. 

Understand yourself in the most intimate way ever possible, and find a reason for that damn every negative emotion, every shameful act, every word or mistake you regret even today.

In this journey of understanding yourself, the most important thing you will discover is that most parts of our personality have a cause, whether social or emotional or anything, and those that can't be learned away.

Maybe you have a false understanding of reality or you see the world differently than it actually is, and because of that, you did the things you now get to know were wrong.

The only way to get out of this cage of pain and discomfort is dealing with that stuff with mindfulness. 

Find the cause and trace your past. I know it hurts, but you have to go to it. 

Learn to love yourself in a way that only you can.

When you hide away past emotions, you are essentially putting yourself in a cage of your own making. 

How to escape this cage ?

Find out in the next point.


On this magical path of self discovery, you will certainly come to some most terrifying and shocking truths about you. But let's not forget what we got to do.

The goal is to work your way through those truths and begin to love yourself more through understanding and acceptance. And only after you have worked out your own personal bumps can you begin to see the diamonds in the rough: your gifts.

The gifts of empathy, spirituality, humor love: everything you have cleaned off after wiping away the rest. And when you love yourself and the things about you, only then can you properly share yourself to the world.

6) Your thoughts are just THOUGHTS - nothing more

As I have been saying this for a time, the numbers may change but, 70% of our thoughts may be negative in our daily life. 

Why does this thing happen ?

The first thing you need to realize is that most of us are inherently negative. And second, because fear and worries are necessary for us to protect ourselves.

But this survival mechanism can work against us, because of which we experience self-doubt and self-criticism.

What's the solution for this ?

You need to realize that your thoughts can't be changed, but you can stop believing them.

As I said, your thoughts are just thoughts - nothing more.

                                              ... to be continued.

Thanks for reading !

Tell me in the comment section how you could relate these points to yourself.

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