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Showing posts from August, 2020

Some Special(yet some common) Things to START BELIEVING in yourself AGAIN - PART 5 be continued. 13) Accept your emotions without judging them You all know what, you will agree to this. Emotions are very big players, both against and with us. Whenever we experience an uncomfortable feeling, such as sadness, fear or anger, our first instinct is to ignore it, reject it or push it away. And this fair enough, we don’t really want to walk around feeling emotional pain all the time. Emotions give us useful information about our lives. It’s understanding that you don’t need to “control” your emotions. They cannot do any damage to you.  This means allowing your emotions to just be without negatively judging them or trying to change them. 14) Get rid of these 5 toxic beliefs Your beliefs and thoughts shape the perspective of your life. The way you think, interpret and react to a situation depends on your beliefs that matter for you.  But if your beliefs aren’t accurate, they could be negatively affecting you. Here are some beliefs that may sabotage our life: i....

Some Special(yet some common) Things to START BELIEVING in yourself AGAIN - PART 4 be continued. 10) As you make progress, people will try to pull you down. Just same as the concept of crabs in a basket. You all know what happens when you start to improve. Your close ones, the FRIENDS and FAMILY and COLLEAGUES make efforts to pull you down. Why? Simple. They are now jealous. Because it's the natural order of things. They've put you in a box and it messes with their mind when you start to change. So, you're going to have summon up some courage and ignore criticism from others. Your happiness should matter. 11) Get out there and EXERCISE It could be one of the most powerful things you can do. Right ? Not only will you start getting healthier, but you'll ultimately feel better about yourself as well. Now, let's talk some science. According to the American Psychological Association(APA), there is usually an instant mood-enhancing effect about five minutes after you start a workout. And when done consistently, exercise could help reduce long-te...

Some Special(yet some common) Things to START BELIEVING in yourself AGAIN - PART 3

  ... to be continued. 7) What do you REALLY want to do with your life ? I know that there comes some moment in our life when we start to think that aghhhh... my life is a total waste, I should have died either. But no, you survive and face that circumstance, that critic moment... Let me ask you a question. Do you have a purpose ? No, not an ambition, or goal or a higher post you want to reach, but a purpose. Let's define it. Understanding what you want and where you want to go is crucial to being happy and finding meaning in life. That's what we call purpose. However you probably already knew that. So, if you are not clear of what to do with your life, how the hell can you figure it out. There's this way, a common yet magical way. Ask yourself these questions. 1. What were you passionate about as a child ? 2. What makes you forget about the world around you ? 3. If you had a dream, could you make it happen ? 4. What's on your bucket list ? 5. Who do you spend time with...

Some Special(yet some common) Things to START BELIEVING in yourself AGAIN - PART 2

  ....  to be continued. Thank you for your love for the part 1 of the blog, here's the second part of the series. 4) FIND and OPEN your HEART While step 3 is about acknowledging and accepting the pain, step 4 is about reconciling with a cold and unopened heart. Ask yourself this one question: do you fully love yourself ? NO !!  No need to be shocked. It's very common for all of us in this hectic world. So, accepting your flaws and your fault is one thing, but loving a person who can have your thoughts, your emotions and most importantly your mistakes? That's a completely higher level of self-love. That's something most of us miss today. What to do now ? Question yourself. Discover your life story. Trace your path way back from your childhood to the person you are now.  Understand yourself in the most intimate way ever possible, and find a reason for that damn every negative emotion, every shameful act, every word or mistake you regret even today. In this journey of ...

Some Special(yet some common) Things to START BELIEVING in yourself AGAIN - PART 1

With some bad and sad things being happening to me in the last few months, I am coming to know that the period left me with a chance to introspect myself and to get up finally and say, hey this is going to stop now, an inner voice called up. In this piece of post, I am going to write up some special yet common things, to help you all those who were feeling the same, to start from zero once again and believing in thyself again. Let's go... 1) What you NEED to understand first As the saying goes: You are your own worst critic. You need to understand that y our entire life is lived through your eyes. Your interactions with the world and those around you, your thoughts and how you interpret events, relationships, actions, and words. You might just be another person when it comes to the grand scheme of things, but when it comes to your understanding of reality, you are the only thing that matters. And because of that, your reality depends on how much you love and take care of you. Your ...