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Without Sadness, You will never Appreciate TRUE HAPPINESS


Sometimes, you are your worst enemy. Agree me ? Yes, it happens for some dumb reasons every other time. Believe it or not, that's totally normal when we get hurt or rejected enough times. We learn how to cope up with this pain, but often times, these coping mechanisms breed toxic habits that holds us back instead of helping us heal.

               You might think that certain behaviours are totally harmless at some times, but if left unchecked, you develop the toxic habits that can lead to self-sabotage, and that's not a good thing. If you want to achieve genuine happiness in life you need to reflect on those toxic habits and slowly let them go.

Here are the 7 toxic habits that stops you from true happiness.

1. Avoidance

No one likes facing negativity in life. Who the hell would deliberately put themselves in difficult situations ? But the reality is, life will always give us adversities. It's inevitable, just like the death. Before we can appreciate happiness, we need to know what sadness is first of all. Avoiding emotional problems is the most unhealthy habit you/we all can have, right ?
          So, each challenge must be faced with courage and emotional intelligence so you don't create any more damage than necessary. Work through your problems, not ignore it. Things will be good for sure.


2. Envy and Compassion

In this modern world, it's so easy peasy to look around and compare your life to others who seemingly have it all, thanks to the social media. But what you see around is someone else's life highlights and not the struggle work, remember, nobody outshow their struggles. No one like to show their struggle off. So think about it the next time you envy about someone and compare your life. Always remember the golden line, " Comparison always kills. "
          Because look around you, you have security, people who love you, and many things to look forward to. Believe it or not, many people have it much, much worse.

Feeling of Envy

3. Drama

Stirring up drama only results in negative attention. You might ever think that its an effective way to get validation from people around you, but ultimately it won't result in 'winning' or happiness. Creating drama in your own life results in alienation and loneliness. Instead, work on trying to get rid your life of drama. Work on surrounding yourself with supportive and empowering people not with the ones who stab you in the back.

Avoid Drama

4. The Victim Card

You think the world owes you. Wrong ! You think you are the victim of your own story and make excuses for everything wrong happening to you. And who can blame you ? Maybe what you are feeling is completely justifiable. We've all experienced horrendous things. Right ?  But staying in the zone and playing victim card won't help the situation get better for you. What it does instead is keeping you from healing and being proactive in life. At some point you need to stop making excuses and save yourself, because at laast, no one else will do it for you. 

5. Being Lazy

The sooner you realize that life doesn't happen to you, but you make life happen, the better. You are not going to win that million dollar lottery prize. Love and happiness will not magically fall in your lap. You have to work for what you want in your life. Procrastinating and being lazy, won't get you anywhere. In fact, it will make you fall behind. It's the worst disservice you can do to yourself.

Are you Lazy ?

6. Complaining

Did you know that complaining completely rewires your brain to be more negative. That's right. And even science proves the danger of being a Debby Downer. First, it makes everything else miserable and stops you from creating positive connections/relationships with people. And second, you start focusing on the wrong things until they're all that you see. No wonder, you don't know what true happiness is like. 

Why Complaining ?

7. Worrying

It's totally normal to worry. It's human nature, a way to ensure security and safety. But its a different thing when it's all you do. You are not doing yourself any favour when you keep imagining things that would never happen. Sometimes, a happy life means being a little more carefree. You can prepare for the worst case scenario but don't dwell too much on it. 

How often do you worry ?

Do you have any of these toxic habits ? Or do you have any other toxic habits you are aware of ? Don't hesitate to share your experience and share this information with your loved ones ! Share Away !


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