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Highly Intuitive People do these 7 things to Leverage the power of Intuition

Intuition is one of those qualities that you know is there and working in the background, but it's difficult to put your finger on. Sometimes described as the so-called "gut feeling", intuition is defined as, "the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning". Some think of it as nothing more than wishful thinking or an imaginary cognitive ability based on some bias to magic. There are countless studies on intuition that point to this very conclusion that Intuition helps us to navigate world on another level. Perhaps, its our ability to detect minute sensory information that we never notice consciously or a heightened state of awareness we can leverage periodically. Whatever this is, there is no question: intuition is an ability we all have and can make great use out of if we know how.

" The only real valueable thing is intuition. "
                                                  - Albert Einstein

When it comes down to it, intuition is about learning to listen on a deeper level. To listen to ourselves, to our heart, and to the heartbeat of the world around us. 
Here are 7 things highly intuitive people do to leverage the power of intuition.

1. They lean in to the voices and listen closely.

Intuition is only as powerful as you allow it to be. If you push it away and make yourself believe to only the physical world that you can see, then you suppress your ability to tap into this mysterious ability. 
          Highly intuitive people understand the power of their intuition, that is why their ability is so developed, so they knew that by listening keen to this voice, they can take the most of it.

2. They have dedicated time each day.

To become highly intuitive, one need to nurture the kind of environment that would allow for a quiet mind and keen attention to develop. And a way to both of these things is quiet solitude. By taking a time each day to meditate, read, draw or even just drink a cup of coffee or tea in your porch in a silence of the early morning, you can cultivate the kind of mind that allows you to tune more keenly in to the voice of intuition. That is why, it is always recommended to spend some time alone in the day, atleast 5 minutes of daily speaking to your inner-self can help you develop to a huge extent.

3. They develop mindfulness in daily life.

Mindfulness is the tool of highly intuitive. A consistent practitioner of the mindfulness naturally develops the kind of mind that is right for receiving intuition because mindfulness allows us to develop calm, clear and sharpened mind, the perfect receiving ground for intuition.

4. They learn how to skillfully manage their emotions. 

The mind is the domain of the intuition. If your mid is in chaos, then you have a very little chance of hearing of the knocking of intuition because those string emotions can cloud your intuitive ability. Highly intuitive people know this and by chance or intentional effort, maintain a balanced emotional state, so that there is a minimum interference as possible. A 2013 study explored this very topic of connection of emotions and intuition by looking at the effect emotions have on intuitive judgement.

5. They tune into their body.

Many live as the mind and the body were separate parts, the body being nothing more than a transport system for their mind. However, the two are more closely linked than we knew ever before. The body can work much like a detection system, small change in our movement or a particular feeling hinting at various conditions. For that reason, highly intuitive people don't take it for granted, at least in terms of its connection with the mind. 

6. They reflex their creativity.

Expressing yourself creatively is very much the same process as listening to your intuition. Every creative refers to it differently: the muse, the magic, God, or simply the subconscious mind. But regardless of what you call it, it's the same special power that communicates ideas to us. This process of listening to our creative source is the same muscle we reflex when listening to our intuition, albeit perhaps a bit more actively in the case of creativity. In fact, one can say that it is very same thing, that our intuition is what we are listening to when expressing ourselves.

7. They listen to their dreams.

Dreams are a powerful force for the highly intuitive people because they offer a near-unrivaled gateway to the subconscious. This is important because the subconscious mind is where the intuition arises from. As we dream, information comes to us from deep within our subconscious information which many of us miss. The highly intuitive people know this and works to observe more consciously while dreaming.

Hello all. Hope you are all doing well. Today I bring you to a product that I highly highly recommended to all those who are struggling with their physical problems and can't even find time to do a bit of exercise. The thing is "Acupressure Balls". Yes. Now, many of you may think that what would happen with these balls. I must say that they work and still if you find it doubtful, go google it. Here's the link:


  1. Learned A Lot From It,Fab Fabulous Writing Brother ✌️✌️❣️❣️


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