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11 Best Ever Lines for Life

1. Never share our Secrets with anyone.

This can be self-destructive. Perhaps the most important advice in life. Your secrets are your property, not the world's, that you need to share it on to somebody.

2. Never tell our Problems to anyone.

20% will not care and 80% will be glad that you have them. Fun Fact, the world is always happy to see you suffer. There are a few people in the world who will always want see you go and grow, including yourselves.

3. Life is similar to Boxing game.

Defeat is not declared when you fall down. It is declared when you refuse to get up. Put simply, you will only learn something new when you have an experience about something.

4. Always WRONG person teach the RIGHT lessons in life.

That is called Life-Experience. Gained by the failures, the lessons, the eminent persons in the world, who failed and failed a lot.

5. Everything is valueable only at 2 times :-

1. Before getting it; and
2. After losing it.

True as it is, the things we value the least are the things we have, or the things we possess. Rather, we should feel grateful for the things we have. The feeling of gratitude is one of the greatest in the world. It keeps you happy.

6. 2 things brings happiness and success in life :-

1. The way you manage when you have nothing; and
2. The way you behave when you have everything.

Feel it when you read it. Well, the most valueable law of life. You should never outrage on what you possess that others can't.

7. 2 places are most valueable in the world.

1. The NICEST place is to be in someone's thoughts; and
2. The SAFEST place is to be in someone's prayers.

Perhaps, my favourite when I came across it. This kinda gives you the feel of fulfilment when you read it. 

8. FEAR has 2 meanings :-

1. Forget Everything And Run; and
2. Face Everything And Rejoice.

The choice is ours. I am not saying in the favour of any one of the two above, but yes, it makes some sense.

9. ATTITUDE at its best:-

" My back is NOT voicemail. Kindly say whatever you have by FACING ME."

Go straight guys. Say what you mean. This clear a lot of misconceptions and misinterpretations of what others might have regarding you.

10. What is SUCCESS ?

Success is, when our photos are uploaded on Google, instead of Facebook.

One of the jolly feelings, and a feeling of proud that yes, you did something worth remembering.

11. EGO is the only requirement to destroy any relationship.

Be a bigger person, skip the "E" and let it "Go".

At last, but not the least, this "EGO" kind of things, feelings and emotions never does any good to us, but rather make us lose on our most beautiful and meaningful relationships. Possible to the extent, try to avoid them being in your life.

And guys, at last but not the least, here a link to one of my favourite influencer Jay Shetty's book. His first book "Think like a Monk" is going to be released on 14 April 2020. So, not to give you the spoilers, go and check out it on the link:


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