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Life Revealing Quotes by Winnie - The Pooh and his friends

Winnie the Pooh was A. A. Milne's biggest success - it overshadowed all of his other work as an author. The collection of stories made the teddy bear a fluffy bundle of joy and got him a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Too few of us think back to what we used to read as children and take a moment to reflect on the stories that allowed us to dream. Well, for our fortune, we watched in on television. We have adult stuff to do now, after all.
          We hardly think that most of the tales we read were actually full of the life lessons that made us realise what is life and how beautiful and hard it can be, apart from the cuteness of the Pooh and his activities. Let us have a look at some of the quotes. Dive in...

It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.
                                     - Eeyore
Well, a thought by one of the most negative creature, not the dumb, we have seen in our life, after our scared ourselves(as can be observed by the cartoon serial). This guy looked like a real dumb, who had nothing but hopelessness in his life, the one who never joined the adventures of the pooh and his friends. But still there was something that made unique. The only thing, "The knowledge of the world, the truth and some words of wisdom."
          Though he seemed negative, but still had very wise words. In the above thought, he seemed to talk about the never ending hope for something we truly want in life. In the statement, he gave an example on the search of sunshine, by which he meant to say that, there is nothing to lose in life when we hope for something to happen.

Some people care too much. I think it's called love.
                                   - Winnie the pooh
Here comes, Winnie the Pooh, our all time favourite. In the dialogue said by Pooh, he reflects back on one of the true aspects of love, care. Now, ask yourself this question, what do you expect from your loved one? Care, right. Care of you when you both are apart from each other. Even though everyone cares for their loved ones, but go the statement once again, when we start to care about someone too much, it turns into attraction and then love, further.

Love is taking a few steps backward, maybe even more... to give way to the happiness of the person to love.
                                   - Winnie the pooh
When it comes to the concept of love, what comes first in consideration is respect. It is the respect itself, which is the thing which initially comes to the mind to have a gap between the two, to provide time and space to the one who needs it and its never a bad thing to step down for someone's happiness.

They're funny things, accidents. You never have them till you're having them.
                      - Eeyore
One of the funny yet "to be remembered and evaluated" statement. The accidents seem to be funny things for him, and they actually are. When we are not having them, they seem to be funny, until we are having them. When we are having them, others may laugh on us, and even we ourselves, thinking about what the heck just happened, and where it drifted us in the other moment.

You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.
                               - Christopher Robin
Now, how many of you reading this remember the Investigator Robin. He was such a nice guy, no... So, this iconic statement needs no explanation. Guys, the one who reads it will surely take the thing on him/her and start believing on his goods. This type of statements really gives us a way to get out our negative feelings, the negative thoughts, and all that of what drown us.

If the person you're talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.
                             - Winnie the pooh
Seem to be one of the cutest statement given by the Pooh, it is one of the simplest yet seem to be impossible to us today way of interpretation of the thing that what to think when the other person is not listening to us. Today we might just kill the person standing next to us and not listening to us. How ironic no...

Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.

                    - Eeyore
Well, a statement of one of its kind. Here we can think of any situation which comes to our mind after reading the statement. Talking of the thinking, especially the negative ones, the ones which we are most familiar with, when we only think of the positives of anything, we might feel lost after a time but having an approximation of how worse a thing could go, makes the work go even last longer. 

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

                             - Winnie the pooh
This statement might be familiar to most of you outta there. What Pooh meant from the statement was readily clear and words might can't reach the emotions to express it. Here, what he(Pooh) wants to tell us that even the small-small things can affect the way on how we respond to others in front of us and in our lives. How any appreciation given by our boss on our work can boost up our mood and help us to contribute more to the company, just an example.

A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.

                             - Winnie the pooh
Now, who still remembers that the Pooh favourite is none other than Honey. Honey meant the world to Pooh, the same way, his friends do. The statement reflected the true side of anyone's life that, there's no day without a friend, a day without the source of your life, just like honey to the Pooh. Friends are the honey of our life.

You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

                    - Piglet
A deep and a true statement goes to efforts this time, by Piglet. The statement simply makes sense of how we should not only rely on the outer sources to give you an inspiration on standing up and start working on something, instead, you should also put an effort by yourself too to make things work. Inspiration do come from within. It may take some time, but yes, it comes for sure one day. 

A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.

                   - Eeyore
Simply true, this statement reflects on how a little space for someone on  your heart can make this world a better place to live. A world without inferiority complex, a world without discrimination, where somebody thinks for somebody, considering their needs too, makes a difference.

Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.

                            - Winnie the pooh
The lesson we get here is not to do hurry in doing anything. In hindus, they have a proverb saying that, " Hurry is the job of the satan." And the example in the statement says it all, rivers know that and we must learn it from them.

"How do you spell love?", asked Piglet.

"You don't spell it, you feel it." said Winnie the pooh
Love. How majestic this words seems right. Not to you, ohh, sorry. I thought you would understand. But no, today the word Love is so underrated that it can't clear its meaning though. There seem to be  a huge and separate dictionary for the word Love and everyone finds and choose the meaning themselves, by their own, for their own sake. Whatever, the statement gives us the true essence of the word, feel.
This statement clarifies that how clear and soulful the word is, but you have to have a heart and a mind to understand it. Go find them first.

Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.

                            - Winnie the pooh
Simple enough though, the thought says it all by itself. You don't need anything to burden you, you just have to realise that it's all the part of life. And the truth is, YOHO(You Only Have One). So enjoy the life as the word(YOHO) and don't think of it as a problem y'all, take it easy. When life gives you lemon, pinch it in other's eyes and remember one thing. BE HAPPY. YOU DON'T OWN EVERY PROBLEM I THE WORLD.

A day without Laughter is a day wasted.

                            - Winnie the pooh
The truth we know that laughter is such a great medicine which cures everything, which heals everything, which digests all our sorrows and bad emotions. So laugh, whenever you think it is the time. Collect memories, not problems. Attract good, not bad. Feed your mind with something positive each day.

The things that make me different are the things that make me.

                              - Winnie the pooh
The truth about someone's identity is that he/she has something that you don't and you have something that they don't. You are special  and different in your very own way. Celebrate these differences and respect them. There's nothing to be jealous of. Jealousy only kills. Instead if you wanna be like someone, develop the things and qualities like they do, but never forget that the things that make you different are the things that make you.


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